So, here we go. I need nine.
First the internationals.The favourite Vauban looks calm and relaxed, and his mate Absurde is nuzzling the strapper. Gosh, is she actually kissing him on the lips? Surely not. That’s two.The Japanese Warp Speed is pawing. This is not a serious crime with a behavioural handicap of -10 or so, which has remained remarkably constant over the years. I can usually ignore it if there are no other faults, as it indicates the horse is keen to go. Onesmoothoperator is pawing and kicking. The kicking won’t be helping his heel injury, so I put a line through him and of course forgot to lay it later on. Sea King is hand-held and pulling on the strapper who restrains it with force. Circle of Fire is totally relaxed, that’s three and number four Interpretation looks terrific. But I can’t have Saint George with the bar plates. Okita Sushi walks past looking alert, fit and ribby. Wow. I like it. Five. Walller’s Buckaroo is as quiet as a church mouse with his splayed stance. Six. I’m not sure about Land Legend though, in the black earmuffs, a Norton bit, and a reputation. I finally find Zardozi who is automatically in as seven, and then The Map makes it eight. I need one more and have another look at Land Legend who is standing quietly in his stall and so I somewhat reluctantly put him in as number nine. My standout pick for the place bet is Okita Sushi.
- Knight’s Choice pawing
- Warp speed pawing
- Okita Sushi walking
Nine in a box is 504 combinations, so for $200 I will get 39.7 percent of the dividend. And of course I didn’t even come close with the 100/1 winner Knight’s Choice and a healthy $22,576.80 trifecta. I marked the horse as head up, kicking, pawing, and occasionally hand-held in the stall. There was no way I could have him. But it was still a good day with the Sushi paying $4.85 for third.
I’m thinking next year I might take ten.
Better luck next year, Dad