It’s freezing. So cold that the battery on my camera gives up the ghost, just as I caught a glimpse of Francesca.
A losing day coming into the eighth race, when the hot favourite, Master Harry, starts to misbehave in the yard. Winkers, head up and changing stride, resisting the jockey. Overaroused. All over the shop. He is $1.28 the place with books, an easing $1.40 on the tote and $1.45 on Betfair. I oppose him for the place. How sweet it is when he struggles into sixth place. My first lay for the carnival. I just got out of gaol.
I read where you said you carry an image of phar lap in your mind for how a horse should look..but then later you say to avoid horses that wear bandages..wasnt it so that phar lap often was wearing bandages,this on the horse that is often said as our greatest australian racehorse…….
there is no doubt that phar lap is our greatest racehorse. there is also no doubt that i would not have backed him in those bandages. they scare me off. bandages are a mystery. why did par lap wear them? it is much the same with my pet hate the nose roll. they are a negative, but dunaden and vintage crop, and i think kingston rule, still won the cup, despite my opinion. but i much prefer to bet on cleanskins.