The greatest day’s racing on earth. But it started out on the wrong foot. There were no buses from the main gate to the turnstiles which meant that all the geriatrics had to foot it for what must be nearly a kilometre. An enquiry elicited that it was a cost-cutting exercise. The VRC, the miserable bastards. And prices are up. A racebook is $8 and the pen penalty, if you left yours at home, is $4. And the promised Flemington wi-fi doesn’t seem to be working yet, so laying looks to be off as well. Moan, moan. Nothing like a good old moan.
Derby Day is all about fashion, and the horses are no exception. The latest fashion is ear muffs, probably triggered by the success that Chris Waller is having with them. Even Gai tried them out on Vaquera. In fact, there were four horses in the Hotham with muffs –Kelinni, Vaquera, Motivado and Garud. Garud combined the muffs with a one-eyed blinker. But the winner Ruscello had a clean head.
- Kelinni
- Vaquera
- Motivado
- Garud
- Jet Away
In the Mackinnon the favourite Jet Away was looking very snaky in his stall with his ears laid right back. On entering the mounting yard he did the most monumental sloppy dump which must have splattered out over 30 metres! The lay of the year! I whipped out the iPhone straight away, but didn’t hold out much hope. I got on to Betfair OK but there were revolving suns everywhere on the jockey colours, although the market was visible, but wouldn’t refresh. I submitted my bet, a lay for the place at $1.56, put the phone in my pocket, and hoped for the best. Jet Away finished sixth, not a bad effort considering his mood.
Four bets for the day for two winners (Kirramosa, Red Tracer) and two losers (Thump, British General). Home and a quick check of Betfair. I got on.