My first day back after four months off. My head is carrying a dull ache, maybe from too much holidaying, and my eyes and nose are streaming with hay fever, which is probably appropriate for the start of the spring. I felt a bit better once I caught a glimpse of Francesca, although it does look like she’s living on lettuce leaves. Every red-blooded male over 50 seems to lust after her and I must confess to some slight lasciviousness. But then it was reported to me that she has been observed smoking, so I crossed her off straight away.
- Francesca
- Fan with masks
- Stalls
- Yard
- Losing ticket
- Post race
There is a large crowd here all wearing silly masks and waving Black Caviar flags. It’s impossible to get near the champ out the back and in the mounting yard everyone is holding up their mobile phone to take a snap. I finally decide to be a part of history and lash out for my first bet of the new season. $2 to win on Black Caviar. I show everyone my winning ticket and boast that I am 20 cents up. I will keep the ticket for posterity and sell it on eBay in 50 years time for $50. It is then pointed out to me that I may not be around to collect and that I have in fact started the season $2 down. I finally got a photo of the champ out the back after the race looking very ordinary. Most racegoers probably didn’t even realize that it was Black Caviar without her black spots and saddlecloth.
I’m feeling very cautious because my eye is rusty as well as streaming. Descarado looked great, but I just watched. Helmet was impressive, but again I just watched. Finally, by the time the mares race came around I was ready to tip a tentative toe into the water and have a place bet on Celts. The bloke in front of me had $500 for the place on it, but I settled for much less. But nice to start the spring in front.